February 5, 2011


I was so stressed about my Music Literature test on Friday, I was sure I was going to fail. I studied so much that I fell asleep a couple times... I took the Listening Test on Friday during class. I was so nervous because you had to know the composer and genre of 20 different songs. (some of the songs were 11 min long.) The teacher said that she would pick one minute, any where from the song, and play it and on the piece of paper it had the titles. Luckily she picked the songs I knew and got a 100%!!! Then I took the written part today, and I don't know what I got because there were short answer and essay questions, but on the multiple choice part I only missed 3. Thank goodness for prayers and lots of studying!!! Music is one of the hardest majors!


zealygirl said...

Agreed on music being such a tough major! Great job on your test!

Tara said...

yeah it is! Great job on the tests! those are hard!