June 6, 2011

Oh Mister Sun Sun Mister Golden Sun, Please Shine Down On Me!!!

Jason was a little hesitant to get in the water because it was cold, but after a while he warmed up to it. 

Haley definitely enjoyed herself!

I was about to get a picture of all 4 sitting at the bottom of the slide, but my camera is too slow.  Taylor is turned around, Bradley and Brooklyn are getting out, and Haley is chillin'.

Jason liked the slide and swings better...he even tried to play basketball with me.

After the splash park we went to a sheep farm and got to hold a baby lamb. 

When Michelle was a kid she would help her grandpa on his farm, so she wanted her kids to experience what she did growing up.

Haley was in LOVE for sure! she named this lamb snowy and asked me if I could take it back to my apartment and live with Karl and me. haha!

Karl's old roommate Sean works on the farm. He brought over this calf that was born 3 days ago. She's so cute!

Again Haley was in LOVE! She tried to put her finger's in it's mouth and get the calf to suck on her fingers. 

Everyone gathered to pet the baby cow, but Jason was so occupied about the poop on his shoe and wanted to not be dirty anymore. He couldn't really think of anything else. I was kinda the same, not a good idea to wear flip flops on a farm. Oh well!

He was happy at first. Soon we realized he needed his nap.

What a cute baby lamb! She followed me everywhere and was the sweetest! After a while Haley was holding her like a baby.

The calves were running away from me.

Being protective Mommies for their babies. I had fun visiting, but I don't think I'm ready for Karl to have cows yet.... 

Loving the Rexburg sun! Even if I got a sunburn...it was worth it!


Monette and Mark said...

looks like a fun day!

Anonymous said...

wow! Im super jealous that you get to spend so much time with them!! :)