December 4, 2011

November Updates

I love my hubby! He's a true cowboy/ real man! Here are some of our recent updates... 
"Check me out!" Karl likes to joke around that I take too many pictures of myself specifically for facebook, so here's his "facebook" pic. haha!

And here he is riding a tennessee walking horse. If you don't know what that is then look it up. It is the perfect horse for him to ride with his bad back. They are the coolest!!!


Here's my hubby at Big Judds eating a one pound burger!

He finished it in about five minutes...piece of cake!

Here are Jason and Tillie. Two of our favorite people! I met Tyler in choir and she is dating this guy and I totally approve! They keep Karl and myself laughing all the time and they are in love with our couch. 

Here's Tillie trying to stuff grapes in Jason's mouth. It was a huge triumph and he ate them all!!! It was so funny! : ) 
All we have left are finals and then we are done with the semester on December 16th. BOO YAH!!!


zealygirl said...

Can you believe that we never ate at Big Judd's when we lived there? We've talked about that a few times. Looks like you guys are having a blast! Good luck with finals!

Cherise said...

Actually, I've never been there either. Karl went with the Ag people on the way home from Horse Back Riding. Finals are almost over! :)