September 12, 2011

First Day of School

So, today was Karl's and my second to last first day of school. We had a long/amazing/fun 7 week break at his parent's house and now it's time to get serious and back to the books. It feels slightly stressful, but something that we can do and we know the biggest part will be time management. The only downer really was that Karl woke up today feeling so sick! He just had stomach pain all day. He told me, when we were done with our classes, that he would feel better if he threw up. He waited and waited and even watched 3 hours of Lord of the Rings and nothing came. Then when the day was almost done he relieved of the pain and he feels so much better. :) Sorry babe that you had a crappy first day of school. 
I hope that we can continue to be diligent during this second to last semester. Karl is taking 14 credits and I'm taking 15. Next semester I will take 12 and Karl will student teach....Then we'll be done and we'll get our degrees!!!! yay!! I'm just excited to be almost done! 

(just thought you needed an update....)

1 comment:

Tara said...

Wow! you guys are so close!!