December 29, 2015

1 Year Already??!!

So much has happened lately, it's hard to believe how much time has flown by! Well, shortly after my last post we moved to Ashton, Idaho and have been loving it so far. We have been very blessed since moving here and I am grateful for the friends we are making and the friends we still have and have decided to still like us. haha! 
Miss Lydia turned 10 months old in August and she turned more and more mobile like a toddler. She is the light and life of our lives! This beautiful darling won't let either Karl or myself out of her sight unless she is with the other parent. By this point she had 6 teeth and was such a goofball.

In September she turned 11 months old and no longer looked like a baby to me. She has become more and more independent every day. She likes to figure stuff out on her own and is so obedient. She's such a great sleeper and eater and I am so blessed for that. 

This little lady had her birthday in October and it still is hard to believe she is 1! She's all grown up! ;'(   She blows a raspberry when you ask her what an elephant says. She runs all over the place and is becoming quite the climber. She reaches new heights every day. 
This is from when she was 1 month old to 12 months old. Where has the time gone? Really. 

This was such a fun photo shoot for me and for her. She loved the balloons, but every time she would get close to one it would roll away. She was so sweet on her special day and we even managed to get family pictures that day. 
She had fun opening her gifts, but was more excited about the wrapping paper than the actual gift. Once the paper went away she got the idea, I think. Since her birthday her two favorite toys have been the baby doll and that fun/noisy car.  

We let her smash into her own cupcake and she had a ball. I thought she wouldn't be super messy and she wasn't, not really. The day before her birthday was her first time having sugar (a cookie) and she has a been a fan ever since. Thankfully I still believe in the idea of moderation in all things. ;)

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