August 4, 2014

I'm in the third trimester now!

During this time frame I had a lot of energy to pack up our house and prepare to move. I am grateful that I took my time and gradually packed up the house, so that Karl and I wouldn't be stressed out in getting it done in a short amount of time. And, if I had waited till the last minute I might not have had energy to do anything and Karl would have had to do it by himself, which would have been awful and stressful. 
This baby is not super active and I am totally okay with that! She has been sitting low during the whole pregnancy and only moves once in a while. It's a blessing to me that she is pretty chill because I don't have internal bruises from her kicking. I bought a book around this time frame and I am so grateful for it! It's called "The Child Whisperer" by Carol Tuttle and it is the BEST parenting book I have ever read! She bases her philosophy of becoming a successful parent through 4 different energy movements/types that each child/person has. We all have 4 types within us, but there is one that we lead with dominantly. I have read her other material, so I had some idea of the core of the book and knew that I was a primary-Type 2 and a secondary-Type 4 and Karl was a primary-Type 3 and a secondary-Type4. I was curious to see what type my baby is, so I muscle tested it to find out that she is a primary-Type 4 and a secondary-Type 2. The information I found out assured that the chill, mellow, and down to earth personality that I feel in the womb is because she's a 4! I love knowing this! Since I know this I have a preparatory perspective of parenting this particular child knowing the information in the book. 
During the time I posted this picture I was anticipating the rhogam shot I got during week 28. I got this shot because my blood type is A negative and Karl's blood type is O positive. By getting the shot my body will not reject the blood from my baby (if her blood type is positive). Also, I will be able to have future pregnancies because of this shot and the mixture of the blood types. It didn't hurt at all (not even close to the pain I felt when I got the shot after I had a miscarriage). 
I am also grateful to still not have any stretch marks. Thankfully, that factor runs in my family and it's a blessing!!! Not that it really matters because no one but me looks at my stomach anyway. It's just nice to know. 
This week (being 31 weeks along and moved into St. Anthony) I will be going to my first appointment in Rexburg at the Seasons Medical Clinic. I'm really excited about this because I will be having a midwife instead of a doctor, but still delivering in the hospital. It will be comforting for me to have someone in charge of this pregnancy that is more open to natural things than doctors like I am. My last appointment was when I was 26 weeks along, so I'm overdue for that. I am excited to be closer to a hospital by living here compared to the distance from the hospital while living in Cambridge. Well, I will keep posting updates from this pregnancy, and I apologize for taking so long to get all of the information in here. 9 weeks left baby!!!!!

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