September 25, 2014

Come On Baby Girl! We Are Ready For You!

First off, I can't believe how close I am to having this baby girl!!! She's due in 11 days and that is crazy! It feels like yesterday when I was complaining/praying daily to get pregnant and now the time has come. Karl and I are so ready for this little girl's arrival. I don't know how much more nesting I need to do to prepare for her. It has been nice during the last few days that Karl has been off of school for spud harvest. He has gotten so many things done and today he left to go work the field and dig up those potatoes. I'm grateful that he can earn extra income during the break from school. School will start back up on my due date, and I'm really hoping that this baby will come before that so Karl won't have to miss teaching.

Well, things are still crazy and never dull for us. There is always a new adventure. In the beginning of August we finished moving in to our studio apartment in St. Anthony. We have truly been blessed by so many friends, family, and community members in this area. I started going to Seasons Medical in Rexburg for my baby checkups and I have 2 midwives. I like one more than the other because the one is super chill and the other is super demanding. I could have either one help me with my labor/delivery, but I really hope that when this girl decides to come I have Sharon. Her personality is calm and she lets me do whatever I feel like I need to do. I don't want someone with their own forceful opinions in the hospital room with me. I want to be in control of my body and baby. I can sometimes be easily persuaded into certain ideas, especially ones that I'm not knowledgeable about. I have been making sure to do a lot of research before I deliver so I can mentally be prepared for whatever may come. 

Since going to this clinic the checkups have been great. I have had a healthy and perfect pregnancy. I truly have been so blessed! I have had the whooping cough vaccine and the flu shot, but it took me time to decide if I wanted to go forward with these shots. I don't just get shots any time that I'm told to. I first do the research and a little muscle testing to see what my body and my baby need. 

My least favorite part about this pregnancy was doing the glucose tolerance test. I didn't pass the first one (the 1 hr test) so I had to go back the next day and do the next test (the 3 hr one). I was throwing up a lot of the "juice" that they gave me throughout the first much sugar it was gross, and then the next day they gave me twice the amount of sugar. I was throwing up this "juice" practically after every meal for 3 days. It was nasty. During the 3 hr test they take your blood before you drink and then every hour. I passed the tests and so I do no have gestational diabetes. (But I'm pretty sure I was close to giving my baby diabetes from those drinks. They didn't taste bad at first, but tasting it for 3 days mixed with stomach acid is not my "cup of tea".)

On September 15th I had an appointment with my midwife and she said that my cervix was 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I took this as really good news because, in my mind, it meant that the baby could come any day. Well, I was checked again on the 22nd and I was the same....2 cm and 50% effaced. At least I didn't digress right? 

Last week I was sure that she was progressing more because we moved out of our studio apartment into a 2 bedroom apartment. This move has been a MAJOR blessing. I have been able to stay busy, move around, and keep this baby active. I feel like she has moved lower and lower every day, but I'm still waiting to feel contractions. IF I have had contractions, they haven't really hurt at all like a lot of people say. Then again, I haven't gone into labor yet, so maybe I haven't felt the real ones yet. I may have just had braxton hicks....who knows? 

Another interesting fact, this baby has been revolving around the New Moon. I found out I was pregnant during the New Moon and all/most of the major milestones of the pregnancy have been during the New Moon. This makes my mom laugh because she's sure that I'm going to have my baby during the Full Moon since all of her babies were born on the day or week of the Full Moon. Well, the New Moon was yesterday and I'm really really hoping that that's a sign that the baby will come soon! I have had a feeling, since the beginning, that she won't be born in October (like her due date) and will be born in September. BUT only time will tell right? So, since I'm a reflexologist I'll keep rubbing my feet and doing energy sessions to help this baby's arrival come sooner. *fingers crossed*

I'm just so stinkin' excited to see her beautiful face and to have her be part of Karl's and my life! We have been praying and waiting for so long to have a baby. We've been married for almost 5 1/2's about time. We have been through a lot during our marriage (ex. Cancer) and truly are blessed to just be pregnant at this point. Well, little's time to come!!! We are excited to see you and meet your wonderful spirit!!!!

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