October 21, 2014

Lydia Dahle 10/10/14

I can't believe it!!! My baby is actually here! Welcome to our loving family, Lydia Dahle! We have been prepared for your wonderful spirit in our home and are excited to raise and love you the way Heavenly Father would like. You have been perfect. Perfect pregnancy, perfect labor/delivery, and perfect baby. I'd say that your life is pretty much PERFECT! 
Lydia was born October 10, 2014 which is my brother Marcus' birthday. I called him that morning after I got to the hospital and he said that her birth would be the best birthday present ever...and I think he's right. Lydia was 8lbs 11oz and 20 1/2in long. 
Now, I've come to the part where I tell my labor story. If you don't care to read it then skip to the photos. 

My due date was October 6th and on October 10th my water broke at 5:05am. Karl and I felt like we had just gone to sleep because the night before was a late night. Karl had been working spud harvest and we didn't get to bed until 12:30pm, so we were still pretty tired. Especially Karl, since he had been working 16 hour days at harvest while the school he teaches at was on Fall Break. I was excited and told Karl that my water broke and it took him a while to realize what was going on. 

We arrived at the hospital at 6am and were admitted. I knew I would be hungry during the day so I asked for breakfast before the day officially started. After walking around for a bit they noticed that my contractions weren't close enough. They said that I needed to deliver my baby within 24hrs. because my water broke and needed to prevent infection. They gave me an IV and then later gave pitocin. The contractions were coming close and the baby's heart beat was great the whole time. The baby handled the whole day perfectly, but after a long while I couldn't handle the intense contractions myself. During the contractions I felt like I needed to squeeze Karl's hand and focus on my breathing. 
At 3pm they gave me an epidural. I was planning on having a natural birth, but Karl and I had a long conversation and decided to get the epidural. The rest of the day was enjoyable because of the epidural. It was a hard decision, but I'm grateful that I made it. Receiving the epidural was a bit frightening because they told me not to move or I could get paralyzed (which seemed impossible because I was having contractions during it all). 
Around 6pm my best friend Rachel came to visit me. After a while we decided she could stay for the delivery and that worked out nicely because she took pictures for us. Around 8pm the midwife asked me to start pushing and at 10:16pm Lydia was born. It was so weird pushing because I could feel a little bit of pressure during each contraction, so I knew when to push but didn't feel pain. Toward the end the pressure feeling changed to a little bit of pain. In between pushing I had Karl put a cold cloth on my forehead and since I was shivering I had to hold a heat pack in my hands. 

She came out and they directly put her on my chest as they cleaned her off. Then Karl cut the cord, which was really cool. The midwife waited until the cord stopped pulsing before she asked Karl to cut it. Then we did skin to skin for a while. I loved seeing Karl's face as Lydia was laying on me. It was a moment I will never forget. We are finally a father and mother of a beautiful baby!!!
Because of the IVs I wasn't allowed to eat all day, so as soon as I could I begged Karl to get me food. I asked him to get me a pumpkin pie blizzard from DQ and he said that they were probably closed, so I asked him to get me a big mac from mcdonalds and some fries with a chocolate milk shake. When he got back he surprised me with the blizzard I wanted and that it tasted AMAZING! 
Since Lydia's blood type is the same as Karl's I had to get the Rhogam shot again, after the birth. We are really blessed to have this beautiful lady in our lives! She's absolutely perfect and we love her to pieces!!!

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