October 24, 2014

2 Week Update

Well, since Lydia's birth she has been doing fantastically!!! She is super healthy and strong and that makes us happy. So, here's a bit of an update along with some cute pictures of her from a photo shoot with Karl's mom. 

On 10/14 my milk came in and man that was uncomfortable, but that discomfort only lasted a day or so. Lydia is great at nursing. I used to have to take a couple tries with her to get a good latch and now if it doesn't start out well she adjusts. That makes it nice in the middle of the night when I'm too tired to focus on her getting a good latch. I'm so grateful she's into a good groove. It creates a much happier baby that way.

On 10/15 I took her to the doctor and she weighed 8lbs 9oz. They said that was great because most nursing babies lose a lot of weight the first few days. I am grateful to have a healthy baby...truly. That night we gave her her first bath. She was not a fan because the water was so cold. And seeing her scream made me cry. I felt so bad for her. I hurried to wrap her up/calm her down and then she pooped all over the white towel! I just laughed and then felt bad again because we had to give her another bath, but this time I made sure the water was warm enough before I put her in. She enjoyed it much better that time. And that was relieving for me. 

On 10/16 her umbilical cord fell off. Her belly button is still bleeding a little but is not infected. From the night of the 13th to the afternoon of the 16th Karl's mom stayed with us to help us out. It was really sweet and she was so helpful! She even spoiled Lydia by buying her a Cinderella dress and doing a photo shoot with her. She had a lot of fun and I got a nice break so I could shower. 

Karl's mom even did something that I thought no one would be willing to do, she helped make my placenta pills. I am so so grateful for that! Thankfully, the hospital let me keep my placenta (which I know that some of the nurses thought it was a weird request....). We refrigerated it until we were home and could then encapsulate it. I did some research about it last year and learned that I would have to pay someone $300 to get it done, and then I watched a couple youtube videos on how to make it yourself. Karl's mom wasn't weirded out because she lives on a farm and works with meat all the time. I showed her the videos and she went to work. She boiled the placenta and then cut it up into little chunks and put it on a food dryer. The next day she put the dried chunks into the blender and turned it into powder. Then I took the capsules and, by hand, put the powder in them. I was able to get 146 capsules filled. Amazing! Since I do muscle testing I tested to find out how many I should take a day and I'm supposed to take 7 a day. I have felt so energized and my milk supply has been great! They also say that the placenta pills can help your hormones to balance out quicker than usual, which is nice. No baby blues!
Today 10/24 I took her to the pediatrician for her 2 week check up. She weighed 8lbs 13oz and was 21in long. Her head circumference was 14cm and it was 13 at birth. She gained 2oz since birth and 1/2 an inch. I'm so glad she's growing. I am grateful to have a happy and healthy baby!
I'm really excited for Nov 9th because she will be getting blessed that day and my mom will be in town for it! I really miss my mom and am so anxious for her to get here. Well, I think that's all the updating I need to do for now. 

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